PKM Pyramid

PKM Pyramid

The PKM Pyramid is an acknowledgment that tools support certain ways of thinking, while adding friction to others. It has three levels:

  • Mindset is a way of thinking or a state of mind.
  • Method is a procedure that puts a mindset into practice. Two methods can be compared against each other regarding how efficient they are in supporting one (or more) mindset(s).
  • Tool is an artefact that enables the application of one or more methods.

At the base of the pyramid we have the mindset. This is what we want your tool to support. Only by building the base we then start creating the upper levels. Without the base, everything will eventually collapse (sometimes over and over again).

But climbing this pyramid is not a trivial task. In my own practice and teaching of note-taking I have already uncovered more than 20 mindsets and I know the list is far from complete. So, how can you get started?

Here are 3 options for you to choose:

Option 1 (not recommended). Learn all mindsets that work for you before you choose a tool. That means: self-reflection, reading, self-reflection. You think a lot before you try anything out, but it doesn’t really work, does it?

Option 2. Choose a tool you like and use it while exploring your intended mindsets. You will learn by trial-and-error and by finding points of friction where your mind doesn’t work as you want it. It won’t make the exploratory process any faster, but at least you will get started.

Option 3. Work with a Personal Knowledge Management professional and a supportive community to get a quick start to your process. It is easier to start your journey from a list of mindsets and some initial methods than having to figure it all out alone.

Climbing the PKM Pyramid is a personal journey, but you don’t need to do it alone. The community is here so you just need to reach out.